People silly enough to believe some old adages are just that. SILLY!! Maybe a stitch in time saves nine. Maybe the pot can call the kettle black. One thing is for certain. Under Joe Biden, (and I do mean under) things are weird. His now famous backward shuffle has him hastily patching things up before the election. There's more time allotted to the big car guys to switch from gas and he's really thinking hard about the border and he's going for world peace with the Israelis. Hey, elections getting close and he's trying to fake it, like some women we know. Come November, if he gets re-elected, everything goes back to zero. It's kind of like Monopoly. If your sister gets Boardwalk and all the other properties, just turn over the board and start over. Mom used to say :"just think pleasant thoughts and all will be okay." Sure, mom. You know I I love you but you know that's crap. Maybe Joe really doesn't know that.
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